
Hello everyone, my name is James Gilbert. If you got to my page, it means that you are fond of music and are trying to record songs on your own. In my blog, you will find out exactly which options for sound equipment will be appropriate, depending on the specific case. I want to note, that I have been fascinated by playing the guitar for a long time.

When I was a child, my parents gave me an acoustic guitar. I independently learned to play it, because there was no relative or acquaintance who could help me with this. Therefore, I know exactly where to start training, and how it should be carried out. When I became a student, I started playing the electric guitar.

Thanks to this, I was accepted into the university musical group. After that, I began to actively get involved in arranging music. Both friends and acquaintances turned to me for help. Very quickly, I became famous at the university, and this helped me save a good amount to buy quality equipment.

Now I am actively engaged in sound equipment. I can say that I understand it so much that I am ready to share my knowledge with you. In my blog, different models of sound equipment from well-known companies will be considered. We will consider both the pros and cons. I will also share with you tips on how to choose high-quality equipment.

Believe me, the quality of the instruments has a great influence on the further work with the sound. If you are starting to play the guitar, or if you are planning to get involved in arranging, my online lessons will come in handy.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments. I will try to answer everyone and help with any questions. You can also share your experience, which will be useful to other users.
